Bienvenue sur / Welcome at (english version)  

Making the black / Moun brilé

  "Réparations" l'exposition  
  Bois brûlé et corail  

Racism and racialized representations stem directly from a successively slave, colonial and post-colonial history, which is the bedrock of our contemporary society.

When he invented the black people to enslave it, the slaver also invented the white people.
These concepts of black and white have continued and developed, particularly in the post-slave trade societies that were built on the black / white opposition, where diversity comes down to chromatic aberration (colored / non-colored).

Repairing these racialized representations today proves to be vast and complex, given the extent of the semantic fields reached by racism structuring economies, identities and cultures.

  moun brilé
  Vue de l'exposition au Fonds d'Art Contemporain de la Guadeloupe  

Moun Brilé / burned people
Pwaryé Péyi, Akasia, Kénet, Épini, Kaymitié, Mapou, Cythère, Resinié, these woods of different species were cut and then calcined, split, aged, devoured, all rendered black by fire.

The process of creating the Moun brilé ("burned people") obviously summons large-scale human cremation, genocides (or however you want to name it), reducing human beings to energy, and then to ashes.

  au feu piquet  


  Vue de l'exposition au Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pitre  

The "Reparations" exhibition is formalized around 5 axes:

- A skull without face / Reliquaries
- Reparations / Simulacra
- The factory of black / Moun Brilé
- The School of Beauty / Educational Workshops
- What can be saved

  Pour toute demande d'information :

François Piquet
169 rue Lethière
97180 Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe, France
(+590) 690 36 86 24